This page is specifically about psychotherapy. Information about the process and fees of coaching can be found on the coaching page.
In my practice I work with patients who are insured in a gesetzliche Krankenversicherung (GKV, such as TK, AOK, BARMER) or have a private health insurance (PKV).
Gestalttherapy and Couples Therapy and Counselling are not covered by most health insurances and need to be paid directly by you unless you have a supplementary insurance (Zusatzversicherung) to cover the costs.
Initial consultation and probationary period
In all cases, an Initial Consultation (Sprechstunde) takes place as a consultation prior to treatment.
In the initial consultation you describe your situation and motivation to seek therapy. This session also allows you to get an impression of whether you could imagine working with me. This first consultation also serves to clarify whether a pathological disorder could be present. I am available for all your questions and will give you additional information about treatment methods, ways and costs.
Further consultation hours and probationary sessions
These initial, probationary sessions allow both of us to develop a sense of whether a trusting working relationship is conceivable. As a therapist, I also weigh up whether my training and way of working makes sense for your concerns and therapy goals and which therapeutic measures could be taken.
Here is a tabular overview of what we offer. More detailed information can be found in the respective sections on individual, couple and group therapy. The abbreviations GKV and PKV stand for statutory and private health insurance.
Session | Orientation | Duration | Frequency | Honorarium / Provider |
Individual | psychodynamic / Gestalt | 50 Min. | tbd | €100 / PKV |
Couple | psychodynamic / Gestalt | 90 Min. | tbd | €150 |
Group | psychodynamic | 100 Min. | weekly | €100 / GKV, PKV |
Group | therapeutic theme groups | 100 min. | weekly | €50 |
The stated fee is based on the schedule of fees for psychodynamic psychotherapists (Gebührenordnung für die Tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Psychotherapie, EBM Ziffer 35405 Langzeittherapie, Einzelbehandlung), currently at €103,87 per 50 minutes. (Link: Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung Berlin, Stand 2022/3, erstellt am 01.07.2022)
In the case of self-payers, the duration and frequency and thus also the fee can be adjusted.
As a curative treatment, therapy is VAT exempt (value added tax) – § 4 Umsatzsteuergesetz Nr. 14.a).
Please also read the Advantages for Self-payers below carefully. It may be possible for you to pay the costs yourself or to orientate yourself more towards coaching.
Psychodynamic therapy or Gestalt therapy in my practice may currently be covered by your private health insurance or private supplementary insurance. Please ask your insurance company to what extent the costs are covered as Heilpraktikerleistungen für Psychotherapie (health practitioner in psychotherapy).
You should also ask your tax advisor to what extent coaching would be tax-deductible for you as continuing education costs. You might be interested in Gestalt coaching.
Of course, you can also pay for the treatment yourself (see section Self-payers).
Couples therapy is not part of the Leistungskatalog der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherungen (benefits catalogue of the statutory health insurances GKV). You have to pay for the treatment (see section Self-payers).
I offer two types of groups.
You can find more details and current offers on the page about therapy in groups (link in footer).
Self-payer is the term for those who pay themselves. The health insurance is not involved. You decide whether you pay directly for the individual sessions or whether I send you a monthly invoice which you can pay by bank transfer.
Advantages for Self-payers