Excessive stress of a private or professional nature can lead to sadness, disorientation and anxiety. People usually can cope with most stress reactions on their own, since they are mostly natural processes – mourning being an example.

However, there are cases in which a feeling of hopelessness sets in, somatic symptoms (sleeping disorders, palpitations) or strong emotional outbursts* surface. You might experience yourself as ill** and can no longer help yourself out of the crisis. In such a case it makes sense to seek therapeutic help, also to prevent the transition into a persistent, chronical state of mind.

Your concerns, triggering events and therapy goals are the subject of our joint therapeutic work in individual or group therapy. In the here and now of the therapeutic process, your current conflicts and concerns play a central role. Against the background of your individual psychodynamics, we will also repeatedly look for repeating patterns and unconscious motives in earlier phases of your life. In this way, you will gain a better understanding of your vulnerabilities, which will prophylactically strengthen you for future challenges.

In the group setting it is possible for you as a member of the group to be there for others in a helping, questioning and supportive way at the same time. Even if at first the thought may arise “Do I have enough time for myself in the group?”, I have experienced time and again that many people benefit greatly not only from accepting help, but also from being able to be helpful themselves. In addition, it can be relieving to share experiences, fears and hopes with others in the group.

Couples Therapy and Counselling

I offer couples therapy not only for conflictual partnerships but also for friendships in crisis, because I am convinced that friendships deserve the same love and patience as couples.

In my opinion, couple therapy creates a very special therapeutic setting that does not occur as such in individual or group settings: The intimate relationship created and lived by two people, which has been developing for a long time before our first session, is like a third place, object or agent in the therapeutic field.

Psychodynamic Therapy

In the German mental health catalogue, the school of “tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Psychotherapie” is best translated as “psychodynamic therapy” and well described in this article:

“Psychodynamic therapy is rooted in psychoanalytic theory but is often a less intensive and lengthy process than traditional psychoanalysis. While psychoanalysis tends to focus a great deal on the patient and therapist relationship, psychodynamic therapy also places a great deal of emphasis on a patient’s relationships with other people in the outside world.”


Gestalt Therapy

Some further reading on Gestalt Therapy in which I have been trained and certified:

“Through gestalt therapy, individuals are able to develop new perspectives and bring positive changes into their lives. They can do this because gestalt therapy promotes increased self-awareness and a clear understanding of thoughts, emotions, and behavior.”

“Gestalt therapy is a client-centered approach to psychotherapy that helps clients focus on the present and understand what is really happening in their lives right now, rather than what they may perceive to be happening based on past experience.”

Psychology Today